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Lynnae Selberg

Reach me via text at (616) 201-0677.

Utilize our self-help resources to choose classes!

Virtual Office

Click on the link to my virtual office for access to many helpful resource links available to you as a student here at GRCC.  Lynnae's Virtual Office(link is external)

Yearlong Enrollment

Enrollment is still active for winter 2025.

Here is how you can choose classes:

  1. Learn about how to pick classes at How do I choose my first semester classes
  2. Then choose your classes and enroll! If you have questions about classes, please email me at sends email) or text me at (616) 201-0677.
  3. Schedule an appointment to meet with me virtually or in person.  Watch a brief video on how to schedule an appointment(link is external).  Feel free to email me with questions if you can’t find an appointment that works for you

Summer 2024 Schedule

  • Monday: 12:30-6:30 p.m., Virtual or In Person Appts
  • Tuesday: 8 a.m.-6 p.m., Virtual Appts ONLY
  • Wednesday: 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Virtual or In Person Appts
  • Thursday: 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Virtual or In Person Appts
  • Friday: 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Virtual or In Person Appts  

About me

As an academic advisor, Lynnae Selberg works with students to help them navigate higher ed. They work together to identify and clarify a student's academic goals, and then possible career exploration. Once a student knows if they plan to start a career or transfer after graduation, or skill up for their current career, Lynnae helps them identify the best course to take. This includes graduation planning (making sure they have all the requirements met), transfer planning (making sure they are connected with the transfer institution and have everything done for a successful transfer) and academic success strategies. Lynnae shared, "Sometimes the plans don't work out and we have to change course, but it is like a giant puzzle with each student, and I help them find the best pieces and put it all together. You couldn't have a better job than this!"

Lynnae works with all GRCC students, but a majority of her work is with GRCC Middle College students. This growing population is taking advantage of an incredible opportunity -- finishing college and high school in just 4 years! She loves meeting with all the different students that come to GRCC and watching them achieve success when often they didn't think that was possible.  Lynnae's favorite day of the year is commencement when she gets to watch students walk across the stage, knowing how much work they put into getting there!

Lynnae knows that often life can get difficult, and that barriers can impact a student's ability to be successful. And she is here to help students identify resources and develop a plan to help them get back on a path to success.

Lynnae Selberg has worked in a variety of counseling roles for the past 35 years in many educational and health care settings.  She graduated with a bachelor’s degree from GVSU and earned a master’s in Rehabilitation Counseling from MSU. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Michigan, is a nationally Certified Rehabilitation Counselor and is a certified Global Career Development Facilitator.  She has earned Full Professor rank at GRCC.  She has worked in many different student services & academic affairs departments, at various institutions, which has provided her a wide range of experiences to draw upon when working with students at GRCC.

Lynnae Selberg
M.A., L.P.C., C.R.C., G.C.D.F.
Professor/ Counselor/ Academic Advisor
(616) 234-3900
First Floor Raleigh J Finkelstein (office 185)