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Holiday Shutdown: GRCC is closed Dec. 23-Jan. 1. Happy Holidays!


English Department Academic Advisors

Welcome to the English Department's Academic Advisors page. Here, you will find two different ways to get the help you need:

  1. Below, you will find the names, contact information and areas of interest for our full-time faculty. We encourage you to email a familiar or like-minded professor today!
  2. To the right, you will find documents that address frequently asked questions regarding financial aid and transferring.

Our full-time English professors can help you in your quest to learn more about English programs, majors, and degrees. Please contact us or drop by the English Department office at 400 CPP. Our office hours are Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

English Advisors

AdvisorEmail AddressAdvising Courses
Michelle Allenmjallen@grcc.eduComposition, Education, Literature (American, African-American, Native American, Poetry, Science Fiction), Women’s Studies
Lyttron Burrislburris@grcc.eduLiterature (Children’s, Multicultural, African American)
Colleen Beckercbecker@grcc.eduEnglish as a Second Language (ESL), Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), English
Vikki Coopervcooper@grcc.eduEducation, English, & Language Arts (Elementary, Middle School, & High School Levels), Secondary & Post-Secondary Reading
Susan Davissusandavis@grcc.eduBritish Literature, Composition, Degree Paths: English Degree vs Writing/Rhetoric Degree
Shavval Douglasshavvaldouglas@grcc.eduEnglish Composition (100, 101), Literature
Anthony Dykema-VanderArkadykemavanderark@grcc.eduAmerican Literature, Multicultural Literature, Online Teaching & Learning
James Hayesjhayes@grcc.eduEnglish
Katrina Kaliszkkalisz@grcc.eduPoetry, Creative Writing, Women’s Literature
Maryann Lesertmlesert@grcc.eduCreative Writing (Fiction, Non-Fiction, Playwriting), Environmental & Social Justice (Sustainability), Writing in the Natural Sciences, Interrelatedness of the Arts & Science, Investigative Journalism
Andrew Lusskyalussky@grcc.eduPopular Literature, Literature of the Americas, Kurt Vonnegut, Creative Non-Fiction, Sports-Related Blogs
Rachel Lutwick-Deanerrlutwickdeaner@grcc.eduIntroduction to Women’s Literature, Popular Literature, English Composition, Understanding the World Through Writing, Reading 
Sean Mackeysmackey@grcc.eduPoetry (Beat Generation), Postcolonial Theory, Social Criticism, Masculinity Studies, African Literature
Christina McElweecmcelwee@grcc.eduElementary Education, Secondary Education, Reading
Mursalata Muhammadmmuhamma@grcc.eduRhetoric & Composition, Literature (American, African American, US Latino), Creative Writing 
Nora Neillnneill@grcc.eduCreative Writing (Short Stories), Reading Novels, Yoga, LGBTQ Community Meeting Space
Kimberly Olusholakolushola@grcc.eduDevelopmental Education
Sheryl Yorksyork@grcc.eduEnglish, Children's Literature