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Reverse Transfer

Reverse Transfer is a process where academic credits for course work completed at a four year university are transferred back to your community college to satisfy associate degree requirements. Some students transfer into 4-year universities before completing an associate degree at a community college, with a percentage of this group gaining a bachelor’s degree eventually through a combination of credits from both institutions. Through Reverse Transfer, a student’s achievements are recognized with an associate degree after they have transferred to a 4-year school and have accumulated the credits needed to fulfill the 2-year degree program requirements. It’s value added to your education!

What are the benefits of earning your Associate Degree?

The associate degree is a marketable credential for your resume and an important milestone in your education. Employers value the associate degree as evidence of your commitment to expanding your knowledge and achieving your educational goals. The associate degree can make a difference in your long-term success:

  • An associate degree can provide better job opportunities while completing your bachelor degree.
  • The associate degree is the nation’s fastest growing work credential; employers recognize its value when recruiting and hiring.
  • Students who earn an associate degree are more likely to complete their bachelor degree.
  • There is no risk to you – even though you are applying the hours you have earned at your 4 year institution toward an associate degree at your community college, your hours earned at your 4 year institution will still apply toward your undergraduate degree

Reverse Transfer Agreements
