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Workforce Wednesday: Martin Maloley decided he needed a career change, found 'bliss' in electrical program


June 16, 2021, GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – GRCC Workforce Training programs provide in-demand skills leading to rewarding careers. Each Wednesday we’ll meet students who are heading down an educational pathway and changing their lives by earning occupational certificates.

After 18 years as a corrections officer, Martin Maloley needed a change. This February, Maloley took a risk that changed the direction of his life. He came to the GRCC Tassell M-TEC and enrolled in the Construction Electrical Job Training program.

Maloley had always shied away from being an electrician, mainly because of the training involved and thinking that he had to stay in his job.

“When you have a family and responsibilities, you think you have to stay. It took me a long time to realize that no one has to stay.”

Maloley first became interested in electrical construction many years ago.

“I had finished the basement in my first house and did the electrical and really enjoyed that part of the construction process. Over the years, I have been recruited to help family and friends with electrical projects and that interest just continued to grow.”

Now Maloley has these words of advice to his younger classmates: “Time isn’t replaceable. Money is replaceable.”

The GRCC Construction Electrical Job Training program provides the basic knowledge and skills required to become an electrician and be placed in an Electrical Apprenticeship program in just 18 weeks of training.

Students participate in job site, lab area, field trip and classroom settings. Learning is hands-on in all areas of electrical installation including employability skills, construction and electrical safety, hand and power tool safety, electrical math, electrical history, electrical theory, the National Electrical Code, electrical material identification, blueprint reading, underground installations and residential/commercial wiring.

“This experience is bliss,” he said. “I love the lab structure. I didn’t expect such a huge area to learn in. I thought there would be more classroom and code work but the hands-on part of the program is great. Now I’m doing it and I’m happier than I have been in 20 years!"

Maloley completes the program next week and it actively seeking work.

“What’s great about this field is that there are so many pathways to go now that I have this training.  I am being a little bit selective but I am confident the right job is waiting for me.”

Once graduates of this program are hired, they may register as an Apprentice Electrician, and request to have their Certificate articulated into credit that applies to their state required four years of training.

According to the Michigan Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives, there will be 16% job growth annually in this field from 2012 to 2022. Average wage per hour is $23.78.

Anyone interested in gaining career skills through GRCC Workforce Training can connect via email at, and by phone at (616) 234-3800. Additional information is at

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