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Scholarship Stories: Kohl Goldsmith says GRCC scholarships are 'more than just help, they're hope'

March 11, 2022, GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- Sketching, playing the piano, juggling – these are just a few of the activities that have, briefly, captivated Kohl Goldsmith.

“Latching onto an obsession for a while, I become determined to become the master of a skill, only to drop it a week later, bored to tears by the mere thought of it,” he said.

Goldsmith worried that his lack of focus meant he would never find a satisfying career path. But the pandemic lockdown changed all that. He and his family depended on the local pizza place and one-dish meals until one evening when Goldsmith volunteered to make the pizza from scratch.

“My pizza may not have been the greatest pie from New York to the Italian boot, but my family adored it,” he said. “Each step felt like a revelation, from making the dough to preparing the sauce and toppings. I’d never felt so connected to any meal I’d ever had until that night.”

With financial help from the GRCC Foundation, Goldsmith is working toward an associate degree in Culinary Arts and a Baking and Pastry Arts certificate from the Secchia Institute for Culinary Education. He plans to eventually open his own cake business.

Goldsmith credits the foundation scholarships with keeping him on track to graduation.

“Scholarships are more than just help, they’re hope – and they’ve given me the confidence to sign up for the classes I want, not just the ones I can afford,” he said.

The GRCC Foundation plans to distribute $1.4 million in scholarships to more than 1,000 students this year, and students can apply by filling out just one application. The priority deadline is March 15. The application and additional information can be found at

This semester, one in five GRCC students has tuition covered by a scholarship, grant or state program, removing cost as an obstacle to a life-changing education.

Many more students could take advantage of foundation scholarship free-tuition programs if they complete the FAFSA – the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Students can connect with GRCC financial aid specialists by phone at (616) 234-4030; email at; or virtually or in-person by appointment.
