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Lifelong learning: Noorthoek Academy salutes three students for 30 years at GRCC

Aug. 13, 2021, GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- Grand Rapids Junior College became Grand Rapids Community College 30 years ago, and Fred Behm, Katherine Crouch and Mark Zaskiewicz were already taking classes -- and they have not stopped.

The trio are members of the Noorthoek Academy, which was founded in 1989 to fill a gap in the community for special education after high school. GRCC is a proud partner, and student attend weekly classes and have all student privileges.

Students with learning challenges and other intellectual disabilities gain continuing education and inclusion experiences in the arts and sciences.

This award winning, non-profit program was the first of its kind in the country. Noorthoek enriches the lives of about 80 students a year.

The academy this week celebrated students, honoring the three 30-year participants, 20-year student Denise Zalsman; 15-year students Becky Boisvenue, Erin Deiss, Craig Edelstein, Yvonne Johnson, Josh Nguyen, Quan Nguyen and Emily Shanahan; 10-year students Sandra Corning, Allie Cowden, Terry Halstead, Angie Phillips, Elizabeth Slagter; and 13 five-year students.

Noorthoek Academy serves people in Kent and surrounding counties ages 18 and over, who have successfully completed four years of high school.

The curriculum is tailored to the needs of the educable mentally impaired student or those with comparable abilities.

Students explore the natural sciences, history, literature, drama and current events while learning about other countries and cultures using a dynamic, hands-on approach.

Being on a college campus and integrating into the mainstream, students have the opportunity to increase their self-confidence and independence while making friends in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement.
