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Here to Help: Linda Witte supports students working to help others through careers in healthcare

Feb. 3, 2022, GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – Always remember, at GRCC, you are surrounded by people who want you to be successful and are ready to walk with you on your educational pathway. We are here to help!

Meet Linda Witte. Linda develops and manages health certificate programs for GRCC. Specifically, she manages GRCC's Medical Assistant, CNA, Pharmacy Technician, and Phlebotomy Skills Training programs.

Linda also is also developing a Direct Support Professional program, and is assisting with Surgical Technologist and Anesthesia Technologist programs.

This work is as dynamic as it sounds.

"I meet with employers to find out their hiring needs and put together short-term training programs to fill their needs," Linda said. "Secondly, I oversee the best group of trainers who have a big heart for students. Thirdly, I work with potential and current students -- from wanting to know more about health careers, to encouraging their success once they are in our programs, to celebrating with them once they've successfully completed the program. I ensure that our curriculum teaches students what the profession needs them to know, and I arrange for the student's clinical placements."

Linda is an advocate for healthcare careers, and not just because there is great demand for highly skilled professionals. She knows quality healthcare has a big impact on people's lives, and it's a great field to work in.

"It's so rewarding to make an impact on a person's ability to be healthy and lead a fulfilling life," she said. "Like many people in healthcare, my interest started with a family member who was seriously ill -- my brother had leukemia. Because of that, I was exposed to a lot of different health professions as I was growing up. I really liked the idea of being able to help a person's mental wellbeing, so I majored in psychology and social work. I worked in a lot of different health professions including pharmacy, CNA, administrative work, adult foster care, and medical assisting."

This breadth of experience gives Linda an edge as she develops and manages healthcare programs for the college.

"There are so many choices for people in health careers and it's fun for me to help people consider their options," she said. "I can also relate to those who may be nervous thinking about going back to school, as I went back after 24 years to continue my education. If I can do it, others can too!"

Linda's first job at age 14 was in a pharmacy and she's been employed in healthcare ever since. She earned her bachelor's degree in Psychology, with a minor in Social Work, from Calvin University.

Her career after college focused on behavioral healthcare in roles including direct care, activity therapy, resident advising, and finally staff educator. As Linda's career evolved she wanted to become more involved in helping staff and programs grow. She returned to college to earn her master's degree in Public Administration and Management from Grand Valley State University.

"All of these experiences came together to equip me for the position I'm in now," she said.

There is no choice between who Linda enjoys working with more in her current position - local employers, GRCC students, or GRCC staff -- she loves them all!

"We have employers who care that this career is fulfilling to employees, and who want to support the success of our students," Linda said. "Plus, our staff of GRCC trainers is the best! I love to hear students talk about how their trainers go the extra mile to support their success. Finally, our students are amazing! They are passionate about making other people's lives better. Our students are so resilient at working through obstacles with determination in order to obtain a certification and career in healthcare. Their stories move and inspire me."
