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Policy Type: Governance Process
Policy Title: Board Planning & Agenda

The Board will carry out its responsibilities using a governance style consistent with Board Policies by: (a) re-exploring Policies annually, (b) holding an annual planning session as needed, (c) following an agenda at its regular monthly meetings which implements the Board policy on governing process, and (d) continually improving its performance through Board education and deliberation.

  1. The agenda for all Board meetings will be prepared in consultation with the Chairperson after consultation with the president and based on input from other Board members. The agenda will be made available to the Board at least three days before the meeting.
  2. Education, input, and deliberation will be paramount in structuring meetings and other Board activities.
  3. If held, the Annual planning session will be scheduled no later than August and will include:
    1. Review of the College mission.
    2. Subjects for Board discussion and action during the following year.
    3. Review of the Board’s budget parameters, Goals Policies, and Board Governance Process
  4. The College budget will be approved by the Board each June. Revised budgets will be submitted to the Board for approval as necessary during the fiscal year but no more often than quarterly.
  5. Board Policies and Policy revisions will not be adopted until they have been considered at a minimum of two meetings unless Board action waives this requirement and immediate effect is authorized.