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Upon hiring, a new employee will receive a parking assignment from the Police Department. Before the assignment can be made, the employee must complete the following paperwork:

  • Parking Card Request Form
  • Parking Payment Authorization Form

Once a background check has been completed and the appropriate forms have been received by the Police Department, a parking assignment will be determined by availability in the ramps.

It is the employee’s responsibility to obtain a Raider Card from the Student Life Office. This card will act as both staff ID and parking card. A hanging tag, for the vehicles rearview mirror, will be handed out in the Police Department along with an explanation of the parking assignment.



Parking tickets may be paid at the Parking Violations Bureau at the City Treasurer’s Office, 300 Monroe Avenue, NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503. If there are questions regarding the citation you may contact the City Treasurer at (616) 456-3020. Their office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday (except holidays).

Vehicle Impound

The GRCC Police Department does not have a policy regarding vehicle impounds. However, the Grand Rapids Police Department has the authority to impound vehicles parked on the city streets for a number of reasons.

If you return to your vehicle and find it to be missing, contact the Grand Rapids Police Department at (616) 456-3403, to determine if it was impounded. You will be asked for the make and model of your vehicle, the license plate number, and where the vehicle was parked.

If your vehicle was impounded, the Grand Rapids Police Department will advise you of the necessary steps needed to take in order to retrieve your vehicle.
