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Associate Degree Nursing Program

Associates Degree Nursing Program (ADN)

GRCC Nursing Associate Degree graduates successfully complete licensure exams at rates above the national and state averages.

The GRCC Nursing ADN Degree offers a mixture of classroom instruction and clinical lab work that provides direct, hands-on healthcare experience. A variety of clinical partnerships will provide learning opportunities for you while also connecting you with potential employers. Not surprisingly, our graduates leave here with excellent job prospects.

Those already working as licensed practical nurses may qualify for advanced standing. Upon graduation, you will be qualified to sit for the state licensure exam called NCLEX-RN(link is external).

GRCC’s Nursing Programs are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing(link is external) (ACEN; 3390 Peachtree Rd. NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30326), as well as the Michigan Board of Nursing.

Program Admissions Requirements

If you have not yet applied to GRCC, you may apply for free online at and select Health and Exercise Sciences as your Academic Pathway.

Once admitted to GRCC, you may apply for ADN nursing online:

Upon successful completion of the ADN Admission Requirements listed below, the student's name will be placed on the wait list:

  • High school GPA of at least 2.5 (or GED equivalent) or a College GPA of at least 2.0 for students with 12 or more college credits. Students may apply after completion of their junior year in high school.
  • Biology with lab (1 year in high school with C or higher, or college equivalent) GRCC: BI 101 or any BI course with lab.
  • Chemistry with Lab (1 year in high school with C or higher, or college equivalent) GRCC: CHM 110 or any course with lab.
  • All students need to demonstrate competency in math within the last five years to be eligible. Math competency can be demonstrated through the following ways:
    1. Completion of MA 98 or Higher with a grade of C or Higher
    2. Math Placement Test (ALEKS) with a score of 30 or Higher
      • If the ALEKS placement test score is less than 30, it is recommended that the student choose one of the following:
        • Utilize the ALEKS preparation and learning module provided in ALEKS. With this module students can review on their own at their own pace. After a student is confident that they have sufficiently reviewed topics to refresh their prior knowledge, they can retake the assessment for a new placement.
        • Utilize tutorial support provided by GRCC in collaboration with the ALEKS preparation and learning module provided in ALEKS. With this module students can review on their own at their own pace with a tutor. After a student is confident that they have sufficiently reviewed topics to refresh their prior knowledge, they can retake the assessment for a new placement.
        • Register for MA 70 if a student wants dedicated class time with a faculty member to help them set goals. In MA 70, students will utilize the ALEKS preparation and learning module provided in ALEKS, with this module students can review and learn topics in class and in the tutorial lab. After a student is confident that they have sufficiently reviewed topics to refresh their prior knowledge, they can retake the assessment for a new placement.
        • Contact the Health Admissions Department for details at or (616) 234-4348.
  • Students must have successfully tested out of or completed all Academic Foundational courses (These classes include CO 003 Computer Information Systems, IRW 097, IRS 098, and IRW 099 which are all foundational English classes needed for EN 101 and the nursing programs, and PY 100 psychology) information about these classes and testing.
  • Chemistry with Lab (1 year in high school with C or higher, or college equivalent) GRCC: CHM 110 or higher.
  • Biology (1 year in high school with C or higher, or college equivalent) GRCC: BI 101 or any BI class with lab.
  • Admissions Application HESI Exam (scored subtests: math, reading comprehension, vocabulary & general knowledge, grammar). There is a fee for this exam. Passing score on each subtest must be 75% or higher. For more info: GRCC HESI Exam information
  • Students must: Conduct their own ICHAT online(link is external)
  • Print off the results from the ICHAT(link is external) and bring that evidence, along with the Preliminary Background Check form, to GRCC Police or Health Admissions or email both the results and completed form to sends email) OR bring the Preliminary Background Check Form, with $10, to GRCC Police.
  • Drug Screen: Must have a negative 7-panel urine drug screen. May be able to use a drug screen done within the past 12 months. Results should be submitted to the Health Admissions Office, 600 College Park Plaza or email to sends email)
  • Foundational Courses: Students must complete the following courses prior to formal acceptance into the Associate Degree Nursing program: 
    • NUR 100
    • BI 121 
    • PY 201 
    • EN 101
  • In order to be eligible for admission into the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) or Practical Nursing program, students must have successfully completed any required courses with a grade of at least C and be in good academic standing. All nursing courses must be completed with a B- or higher.
  • Any student placed on Academic Suspension while on the waitlist or while enrolled in either nursing program will be withdrawn. Students wishing to pursue nursing after this may re-apply after following GRCC’s academic suspension policy and returning to good academic standing.
  • Students who wish to apply to the ADN program with Advanced Standing must possess a current, unencumbered, practical nursing license, and 2000 hours of work experience as an LPN verified with the Confirmation of Work Experience form. (beginning fall, 2016).
  • Preliminary Background Check

Associate Degree Nursing students must pass BI 121 and BI 122 with a grade of C or higher. Students are permitted 2 attempts at both. Students who are unsuccessful on a subsequent attempt in BI 122, BI 117, or GH 125, will not be eligible for either nursing program (examples below).  Students will be considered eligible to apply for the Associate Degree Program again in 4 years from the semester of the last unsuccessful biology course or in 3 years for the Practical Nursing Program

  • BI 121 and BI 122 to achieve a grade of C or Higher. However, the Nursing Department strongly recommends that any student who has not completed BOTH BI 121 and BI 122 within a combined 3 attempts, re-evaluate their current academic pathway (a combined 3 attempts is 2 attempts at BI 121 followed by an unsuccessful first attempt at BI 122).  These students are instead encouraged to consider the Practical Nursing Program.

Note: A withdrawal from a course, in which the student receives a W, is considered an unsuccessful attempt at that course and is included in the total number of attempts permitted.  Equivalent courses taken at other institutions will also be included in the total course attempts. 

Examples scenarios that maintain a student's eligibility for the Nursing Programs (not inclusive of all scenarios):

Student A:
BI 121 first attempt – D
BI 121 second attempt – B
BI 122 first attempt – C-
*GH 125 first attempt – B+
Student is eligible for PN program now

Student B:
BI 121 first attempt – W
BI 121 second attempt – B
BI 122 first attempt – C-
*BI 117 first attempt – A-
Student is eligible for the PN program now

Example scenarios that will result in being ineligible for the Nursing Programs (not inclusive of all scenarios):

Student C:
BI 121 first attempt – C-
BI 121 second attempt - B
BI 122 first attempt – D
BI 122 second attempt – D+
Student is ineligible for the ADN program and may reapply in 4 years from the semester of the most recent unsuccessful biology attempt.  Student is also ineligible for the PN program and may reapply in 3 years from the semester of the last unsuccessful biology attempt (regardless if they subsequently take and pass GH 125 or BI 117)

Student D:
BI 121 first attempt – D
BI 121 second attempt – B
BI 122 first attempt – C-
BI 122 second attempt – W
Student is ineligible for the ADN program and may reapply in 4 years from the semester of the most recent unsuccessful biology attempt.  Student is also ineligible for the PN program and may reapply in 3 years from the semester of the last unsuccessful biology attempt (regardless if they subsequently take and pass GH 125 or BI 117)

Student E:
BI 121 first attempt – W
BI 121 second attempt – B
BI 122 first attempt – D+
*GH 125 or BI 117 first attempt – C-
Student is ineligible for the PN program and may reapply in 3 years from the semester of the last unsuccessful biology attempt (regardless if they subsequently take and pass GH 125 or BI 117 on a second attempt)

*Recommended course pathway after not completing BI 121 and BI 122 in a combined 3 attempts

Note: Life science courses (BI 117, BI 121, BI 122, and GH 125) must have been completed within eight years of graduation/completion of the Nursing Program at GRCC (This includes Life Science courses that are transferred in from other institutions regardless of the date in which they are transferred).

Questions about Biology requirements?

Students who have had an unsuccessful attempt at a Biology course or who have questions regarding the Biology requirements and next steps should contact the Nursing Department at (616) 234-4238 or via email at

Any student placed on Academic Suspension while on the waitlist or while enrolled in the Associate Degree Nursing program, will be withdrawn. Students wishing to pursue nursing after this may re-apply after following GRCC's academic suspension policy and returning to good academic standing.  For additional Nursing Programs policies and guidelines, please consult the Nursing Student Handbook.

Opportunities exist for the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) with a current, unencumbered license and 2000 hours of work experience as an LPN to enter the ADN program with advanced standing. Contact the Nursing Department or view the Nursing Programs Web site for additional information. 

General Education Courses

Select a minimum of 15 credit hours of course work from the General Education Course list.  Course work must be selected as directed from the areas below.

English Composition and Communications


Select one (1) Humanities General Education Elective.

Social Sciences

Natural Sciences and Mathematics

General Education Total Credit Hours

15 (minimum)

Program Courses

Credit for NUR 115 may be granted for students who hold current/valid certification as a Certified Medical Assistant (through AAMA) or as a Registered Medical Assistants (through AMT).

It is important that Medical Assistants seeking waivers for NUR 115 recognize that they are accountable for all skills taught in NUR 115 in all subsequent nursing courses.

Students who wish to waive NUR 115 must provide proof of current certification to the Nursing Office and sign an agreement that they are competent in all skills presented in NUR 115.  Please contact the Nursing Programs office at (616) 234-4238  or sends email) with additional questions.

Total Credit Hours


The Associate Degree program contains a pre-nursing semester and four semesters of nursing course work. It is approved by the Michigan Board of Nursing and accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (formerly NLNAC), 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30326; (404) 975-5000. The new applicant for licensure will be asked about substance abuse and/or felony conviction. According to public statute, previous felonies or misdemeanors for substance abuse, physical abuse, and/or criminal sexual conduct are likely to prevent an applicant from completing the program, taking the licensure exam NCLEX-RN and/or employment. Upon request, the Nursing Director will provide a list of rules and regulations governing licensure and employment in Michigan.

Associate Degree Nursing Program Cost

Affirmative Action Statement

No student at Grand Rapids Community College is to be insulted, embarrassed, harassed, ridiculed, intimidated or in any way made to feel discriminated against because of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religious preference, handicap or ethnic background. 

Equal Opportunity and Non-discrimination Statement 

Grand Rapids Community College is an equal opportunity institution and does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, national origin, religion, height, weight, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, status as a disabled veteran or Vietnam Era veteran, and/or any other legally protected class not heretofore mentioned, in any of its education programs and activities, including admissions and employment. The above measures, in conjunction with other related state laws and the College’s policies and procedures, will assure all individuals opportunity for consideration or redress of complaints of illegal discrimination. 

Affirmative Action, Equal Employment Opportunity, and American Disabilities Act information may be obtained from the: Human Resources Department Grand Rapids Community College 143 Bostwick Avenue NE Grand Rapids, MI 49503-3295(link is external) sends email)(616) 234-3972
