How long is the waiting list?
The ADN waiting list is approximately 1 year from the time you achieve your "Ready Date." Current as of the Summer 2023.
Ready Date
Your Ready Date is the date you finish your last program admission requirement (see ‘requirements' section). You will receive a letter from the Health Admissions Coordinator announcing this date.
Recommended Courses
While you're waiting, we strongly recommend that you take the courses listed below, all of which are required for graduation from the Associate Degree Nursing Program:
- EN 101
- EN 102
- PY 201
- PY 232
- BI 121
- BI 122
- NUR 100 (Advanced Standing students do not need NUR 100)
- Humanities General Education Elective (select one, minimum 3 credits) - See Course Catalog: “General Education Courses” for options that meet this requirement.