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When Robin Selmon is not teaching business classes as an adjunct faculty member she is at her day job as an accountant at the  Bureau of Investments in the State of Michigan Treasury Department. 

While in college, and early in her career, working in finance was Robin's career goal. “However, over the years I’ve transitioned from real estate and banking, to investment, finance and accountancy,” she said.

Robin earned her Bachelor of Science from Spelman College, and her Masters in Business Administration, Accounting and Project Management from Strayer University.

Robin shares this breadth of experience and knowledge from her education and career with GRCC students who take BA 201 Business Communication, BA  241 Project Management and BA 283 Business Management.  She also shares the one thing she wished she had known when she was in college – advising students to intern in the field they are considering before committing to it.

Robin finds freedom in teaching, and “having the ability to empower students,” she shared. She adds that the strengths of GRCC’s business program are the resources available to students in the business tutorial lab. 

Teaching through the pandemic has challenged many GRCC faculty employees to stretch and meet students where they are. Robin has answered this challenge by communicating more than ever with students, checking in on their needs, and giving them the flexibility to overcome barriers.

These coaching qualities she learned from her dad, her personal hero. “My dad has been more than a provider, she said. “He has been an example by way of his commitment to life-learning and mentorship. He has evolved, he is a Renaissance man; a man of today. He is my HERO.”

Robin Selmon