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Ready by Five Early Childhood grant

Grand Rapids Community College has been a recipient of the Ready by Five Early Childhood grant since March 2020. The grant is used for Play and Learn GRCC (PAL GRCC) which offers playgroups for families with young children, infants through 5 years old. 

PAL GRCC hosts approximately 12 playgroups a week and serves families in every zip code in Kent County. Many GRCC students and staff have attended the playgroups with their children. Additionally, PAL GRCC creates PAL Bags, which are learning kits with a book and developmental material and distributes them each month through partner sites like libraries and community organizations. In 2022 and 2023 combined, PAL GRCC distributed 6,617 PAL bags to families in our community. These bags provided caregivers with information that allows them to support their children in being ready for school.

The Ready by Five Childhood millage is up for renewal this year. According to Yes Ready by Five, “In 2018, Kent County voters overwhelmingly approved the Ready by Five Early Childhood [millage] because they recognized the importance of supporting new parents and ensuring young children have the resources they need to thrive. We have the opportunity to recommit to our kids and our community.” 

The Yes! Ready by Five campaign kickoff takes place on Tuesday, June 11 at 10 a.m. at Millennium Park in the Grant Pavilion. There will be activities for children, yard signs to distribute and a small presentation.
