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GRCC’s Early Childhood Learning Laboratory celebrates 50 years of excellence

For over five decades, GRCC’s Early Childhood Learning Laboratory (ECLL) has set the standard for early childhood learning in West Michigan. The ECLL’s innovative approach and tailored developmental learning have significantly impacted the entire community, benefiting children, students, parents and staff alike. 

To honor this special occasion, we want to highlight the history of the ECLL, its approach to training future educators and how it fosters a community where people are passionate about creating supportive education environments.

Growing capabilities and footprint

A room with children's tables, windows and toys.

The ECLL welcomed its first students in 1974. Located in the First United Methodist Church at the corner of Fulton St. and Barclay Ave., the ECLL had the capacity to care for about 80 children ages 2 ½ years to six years. In the 1980s, infant and toddler care was added, and by 1985, around 80 college students participated in practical labs as part of their coursework.     

By 2017, it was time to expand the ECLL’s physical footprint and capabilities. The new state-of-the-art facility includes seven early childhood classrooms, observation areas for students and staff and adult classrooms to host child development and education courses. The expanded facility has become a hub for early childhood education. The ECLL is licensed to care for 110 children and provides practical training for over 375 students enrolled in GRCC’s Education programs and degree transfer programs.

Training future educators

A room with interior windows and chairs facing the windows.

The ECLL fosters a truly unique educational environment for college students enrolled in the Education Program. GRCC students have the opportunity to close the textbook and put their classroom knowledge into practice. The lab components involve observing qualified educators working with infants, toddlers and preschoolers. They also write lesson plans, practice creating age-appropriate play experiences, handle conflict resolution and much more.

The combination of knowledge and practical experience has helped many students build their confidence and decide to pursue careers in early childhood education. “I’ve worked with students who have gone on to be center directors and public school teachers,” said Penny Folsom, who worked at the ECLL for 26 years before retiring in 2018. “I’m so proud of each of them. It’s wonderful to think about the impact we had on them and to see the passion they bring to their own careers.”

 “We’re sending highly trained educators into the field every year,” said Melissa Boman, director of the ECLL. “They can take what they’ve learned into the programs they serve after graduation and become leaders in this field.” 

Giving children and parents safe spaces to grow

A hallway with windows.

Training future educators is only a part of the ECLL’s mission. It also provides highly interactive early childhood education for families attending GRCC. Children benefit from quality programming, and parents can focus on their education, knowing that their child has the best possible care.

The infant and toddler programs are based on supportive relationships and emphasize child-directed learning. Qualified teachers plan the curriculum, and children are free to move among the learning center activities in their classroom. Weekly schedules offer everything from fun language arts and music activities to challenging science and math games. With every interaction, staff seek to engage each child’s interests and personal gifts.

“The way we did things was so hands-on and involved,” remembers Folsom. “I don’t think we should underestimate the importance of giving children a healthy start and bringing them into an environment where they can learn and grow.” 

“I enjoyed building relationships with the infants and then also with the families,” said Cheryl Botham, who worked at the ECLL for 39 years. “We prioritized one-on-one care, and having the chance to create a relationship with the rest of the family was really special.” 

Building community — in and out of the classroom

Spend enough time at GRCC, and you might start to notice a common theme: community. It’s the community’s college, a place where students have the support they need to further their education and where staff are excited about their work and the difference they make every day. 

The ECLL is no different.

It’s a community bound together by a shared passion for providing the best early childhood care and equipping future educators with the foundational tools they need for a successful career. 

“The camaraderie amongst the staff was something special,” said Folsom. “We built connections with each other, with the children and with the families. Raising children is a community project, and I don’t regret a minute of my career. I hope the 50th anniversary will help bring even more recognition to the outstanding childcare and celebrate the great work being done.” 

GRCC is celebrating with an open house on September 30, 2024, from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. 

Learn more and RSVP for the event

Pictures courtesy of Rockford Construction
