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Celebrating a New Era of Education: GRCC's Partnership with Junior Achievement's BizTown

Sept. 19. 2024

At GRCC, we are committed to fostering valuable partnerships that enrich the educational experiences of our students and set them on a path to success. It is with this commitment in mind that we proudly announce our new collaboration with Junior Achievement, a partnership that promises to bridge the gap between academic learning and real-world experience.


Why This Partnership Matters

Above a GRCC sign, a TV screen shows two children speaking into a microphone.

In today’s fast-paced, ever-evolving world, the demands of the workforce are continuously shifting. Education must go beyond traditional boundaries, becoming dynamic, interactive and closely aligned with real-world needs. Our collaboration with Junior Achievement exemplifies this vision by making education more relevant and impactful. By integrating practical experiences with academic learning, we are ensuring students are not only prepared for their future careers but are also empowered to thrive in an ever-changing landscape.

This partnership is not merely a strategic alliance; it represents a commitment to nurturing the next generation of leaders within our community. It is about equipping students with the skills, knowledge and experiences they need to lead with integrity and vision. By providing them with hands-on, real-world experiences, we are investing in a future where our community grows and flourishes through the leadership and success of its young people.

The BizTown Experience

A room features tables, chairs and images of a student in graduation regalia.

The Tom Fox Family JA BizTown is a simulated town where fifth and sixth grade students engage in a full-day, hands-on experience that includes learning financial literacy, exploring careers and understanding how communities grow and thrive.

Students step into roles such as employees, citizens and consumers. They attend college, interview for jobs, make business decisions, manage their personal finances, open bank accounts, vote and more. This immersive experience offers them a firsthand look at what’s possible for their futures and helps them understand, at an early age, the value of getting an education.

GRCC's Role in BizTown

In GRCC's dedicated space within BizTown, students have the opportunity to choose from five roles:

  • College President (CEO)
  • CFO
  • Enrollment Specialist
  • Advisor
  • Professor

These roles allow students to explore various facets of higher education administration and gain insights into the workings of an academic institution. Likewise, the other “citizens” of BizTown can interact with the GRCC “storefront” and work with faculty and advisors to learn more about the different degree pathways offered and what “jobs” they align with throughout BizTown.  Through this simulation, they experience the challenges and rewards of earning a degree and preparing for future leadership and professional roles. 

To check out the space and learn more about GRCC’s role, watch this short JA BizTown Highlight video on YouTube.
