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Call GRCC Service Saturday helps students gain last-minute assistance preparing for the start of fall classes

Aug. 27, 2020 GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – New and returning students can get last-minute help applying, registering, and preparing for the start of fall classes at Grand Rapids Community College with a special virtual event called GRCC Service Saturday.

The event is planned for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Aug. 29, with 40 GRCC staff members ready to help with any question students or assistance students might need prior to Monday’s start of the fall semester.

Students will be able to text GRCC at (616) 207-0676 or call to receive help completing enrollment next steps and getting their academic advising and financial aid questions answered – all with a goal of being enrolled and ready for class by the Aug. 31 start of the fall semester.

 “This year, more than ever, people have faced uncertainties as the semester approaches,” said Tina Hoxie, GRCC’s associate provost and dean of Student Affairs. “It’s a stressful time. As always at GRCC, we are here to help. We are in this together. Our specialists will be ready to solve those last-minute challenges and answer questions so students can start at GRCC and be successful.”

Students can call the campus’ general information number at (616) 234-4000, or can connect directly with individual departments:

  • Admissions and Enrollment Center: (616) 234-3300
  • Academic Advising: (616) 234-3900
  • Financial Aid: (616) 234-4030
  • Cashier’s Office: (616) 234-4020
  • Disability Services: (616) 234-2105
  • Student Records: (616) 234-4121

Many university students are looking for alternative options as some four-year schools shift to online classes and encourage students to live at home. They can connect with a hotline and a special email address – (616) 234-4111 and sends email) -- to answer questions about enrolling at GRCC and transferring credits back to their home school.

GRCC’s bookstore will be open on Monday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to fulfill book orders.

Grand Rapids Community College offers learners of all ages opportunities to gain credits for degrees or transfer and in-demand career skills leading to rewarding careers. GRCC was established in 1914 – Michigan’s first community college -- and offers affordable classes on weekdays, evenings, Saturdays and online at locations throughout Kent and Ottawa counties.
