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On behalf of Grand Rapids Community College, I extend heartfelt congratulations to the accomplished Class of 2024!

Your achievements are not merely academic, but a testament to your ability to navigate the complexities of our world. Embrace your accomplishments with pride, knowing that you have not only mastered subjects but also honed essential life skills.

Today’s celebration is not just about individual triumphs but a collective victory, achieved through both individual perseverance and collaborative effort. Your paths to GRCC vary widely – some of you joined immediately after high school, while others arrived later. Regardless of your path, it is likely that your journey included some unanticipated twists and turns. But each of you successfully navigated through challenges, found your home at GRCC, and embraced the unique diversity that defines our institution.

I salute each and every one of you. Whether you’re transitioning to a four-year institution, entering the workforce, or embarking on both paths simultaneously, I have no doubt you’re well-equipped for the next phase of your journey.

Many of you will pursue further education at esteemed colleges and universities, where our graduates consistently shine. Others will leverage your specialized training to excel in your professions or embark on exciting new career paths.

At GRCC, we take immense pride in our programs, but our greatest source of pride lies in students like you, who have seized the opportunities afforded to them and demonstrated unwavering dedication. You are not just students; you are ambassadors, showcasing the possibilities that await those who strive for excellence.

Class of 2024, relish in your achievements today and in the days to come, for this is but the first of many significant milestones on your journey. We eagerly anticipate witnessing your ongoing success. Remember your beginnings, but also embrace the countless chapters waiting to be written in your story.


Lepper signature

Charles W. Lepper, Ph.D
GRCC President
