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I’m one of the three full time physics instructors currently at GRCC, mostly teaching the algebra-trig level college physics sequence, Physics 125 and 126, along with occasional non-science major courses in optics or everyday physics.  I grew up on the N.E. side of G.R., went to G.R. Central High School right up the hill, and then went to Hope College and later University of Wisconsin-Madison for graduate work.  After a year teaching at Hope College I ended up here at GRCC in 1983.  I live in Holland and drive in early each morning, its closer than you think.  I grew up with an interest in baseball statistics, and still follow baseball simulation games and any baseball number book out there.  During the summer I garden till it gets hot, then sit in the cool basement, read, and listen to weird music. If you have any questions about physics classes or engineering at GRCC, feel free to get in touch.

Bob Cebelak
(616) 234-4257
SCIE 411