Approved Policies
To obtain a copy of an individual policy for the purpose of updating or editing, please contact the General Counsel's office.
3.0 College Operations
- 3.0 Copyright
- 3.1 Institutional Review Board
- 3.2 Reasonable Accommodation on the Basis of Disability
- 3.3 Ethics Reporting
- 3.5 Tobacco/E-Cigarette Free Environment
- 3.6 Records Management
- 3.7 Contracting Authority
- 3.8 Audiovisual Captioning
- 3.9 Free Speech and Expressive Activity
- 3.10 Data Governance
4.0 Formulation of Policies
6.0 Human Resources
- 6.1 Name Change Policy
- 6.2 Non-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment and Equal Opportunity (Interim Policy)
- 6.3 Unlawful Harassment Policy (Rescinded 8/1/24)
- 6.4 Sexual Misconduct (Rescinded 8/1/24)
- 6.5 Title IX (Interim Policy)
- 6.6 Title IV Loan School Code of Conduct
- 6.7 Conflict of Interest
- 6.8 Remote Work
- 6.14 Family Medical Leave Act
- 6.18 Acceptable Use of Technology Policy
- 6.19 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
- 6.20 Criminal Background Check
- 6.21 Administrator Code of Ethics
- 6.22 APSS Code of Ethics
- 6.23 Misconduct Policy
- 6.24 Drug and Alcohol Policy
- 6.25 Utilizing the Freedom of Information Act on Behalf of the College
7.0 Instruction
- 7.1 Instruction
- 7.2 Distance Learning Standards
- 7.3 Instructional Materials (formerly Textbook Policy)
- 7.10 Grading
- 7.12 Faculty Ethics Policy
- 7.13 Course Format and Credit Hour
- 7.14 Seminar Courses
- 7.15 Prior Learning Assessment
- 7.16 Common Syllabus Components
- 7.17 Library Collection Development
- 7.18 Curriculum Policy
- 7.19 Course Substitutions and Course Waiver
- 7.20 Graduation Requirements
8.0 Students
- 8.1 Dual Enrollment
- 8.2 Admission and Placement (formally Mandatory Placement)
- 8.3 College Sponsored Student Travel
- 8.5 Catalog Policy
- 8.6 FERPA
- 8.7 Student Email
- 8.8 Attendance
- 8.17 Academic Standing
- 8.18 Children in the Classroom and on Campus
- 8.19 No Show Notation Policy
- 8.20 Admission Application Cut-Off Date
- 8.21 Blocking Late Enrollment
- 8.22 Maximum Student Credit Hour Load Per Semester
- 8.23 Late Semester Hardship Withdrawal Policy
- 8.24 Generated Graduation
- 8.26 Multiple Degrees
- 8.27 ACT Cut Score Policy
- 8.28 Mandatory Student Orientation Policy
- 8.29 Transfer Course Credit
- 8.30 Student Code of Conduct Policy
- 8.31 Minimum Institutional Credit
- 8.32 Introduction to Distance Learning for New-to-Distance Learning Students
- 8.33 Industry Recognized Credentials/Test Credit Policy
- 8.34 Academic Forgiveness
9.0 College Relations
- 9.1 Fundraising
- 9.5 Use of College Name, Seal, and Emblem/Logo
- 9.9 Naming Opportunities
- 9.10 Material Donations to the College
10.0 Tuition, Fees, Scholarships and Loans
- 10.1 Tuition and Fees
- 10.5 Student Refunds
- 10.6 Withdrawal and Return of Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) Funds
11.0 Business Functions
- 11.1 Employee Reimbursement Policy
- 11.1a Food & Beverage Policy
- 11.2 Grants Policy
- 11.3 Professional and Institutional Memberships
- 11.4 Travel Policy
- 11.6 Use of College Equipment
- 11.7 Disposal of Surplus, Used or Obsolete Furniture & Equipment
- 11.8 Investment
- 11.9 Energy Conservation
- 11.15 Purchasing Policy
- 11.19 Lobbying
- 11.20 Supplanting of Federal Funds
- 11.22 Economic Development Participation
12.0 Building and Sites
- 12.8 Events on Campus and Amplified Sound
- 12.9 Facility and Grounds Use
- 12.10 Furniture Policy
- 12.11 Appliance Policy
14.0 Risk Management
- 14.1 Risk Management
- 14.2 Firearms, Explosives or Weapons
- 14.3 Complaints Regarding Violations of Privacy and Confidentiality (HIPAA)
- 14.5 Campus Closing Due to Inclement Weather & Emergency Conditions
- 14.6 Hazard Communication Standard
- 14.7 Use of College Vehicles
- 14.8 Blood Borne Pathogens Policy and Plan (replaced with 14.16 Health & Safety Policy)
- 14.10 Service Animals
- 14.11 Chemical Hygiene Plan (replaced with 14.16 Health & Safety Policy)
- 14.12 Open Flames
- 14.13 Communicable Diseases
- 14.14 Building Access Raider Card
- 14.15 Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
- 14.16 Health & Safety Policy
- 14.17 Emergency Communication
- 14.18 Face Covering Policy (Rescinded 3/1/2022)
- 14.19 COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for Health Program & Early Childhood Learning Lab Employees (Rescinded 12/23)
- 14.20 Clery Act Compliance